Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away…

Ancon has other times; its lands and history beckon us to enjoy with complete surrender

Awakened souls and serene spirits, fully devoted to giving themselves. Like the mountain, like the vine, an ode to patience, contemplation, and daily effort.

Your stay will be revealing of other times, a celebration of things done with care and passion.

Ancón offers itself, the result of work, effort, patience, and unconditional love for the legacy projected into the future. One could say that we are pioneers because the estate and the winery are among the first, and the Chateau is unique. But we don’t stop there; we want to continue being pioneers.

Before the English cattle and the Malbec

“Before the English cattle, before Malbec, even before the borders, the Huarpe and Inca peoples lived here. They say that in Quechua, their language, ‘An’ means ‘soul,’ and ‘Kon’ is one of the three supreme divinities: the God of rain and wind. ‘…and Kon created humanity and granted them fertile lands full of food and water. Still, he was forgotten, and Kon punished them with long periods of drought and floods. Kon was like the water that descended from the hills, transforming into a river.’

The meaning of ‘Ancón,’ in Spanish, comes from the Greek ‘codo’: ἀγκών ankṓn, the space between two hills. So, the name that these places have had since ancient times did not bother anyone.

During the Viceroyalty, in 1610, Captain Juan Luis de Guevara, who was a Maestre de Campo in the Spanish army born in 1561, founded Estancia Ancón when these lands were still part of the Captaincy General of Chile. Upon his death, his son inherited it. In 1729, it passed to the founder’s grandchildren, and finally, it was acquired by the renowned Toribio Barrionuevo Gutiérrez, from whom his daughter Lucila Barrionuevo Pescara de Bombal inherited it.”

At the foot of Cordón del Plata

The estate, spanning over 2300 hectares at the foot of the mountain range, boasts significant groves of walnut, chestnut, cherry trees, and a herd of exclusively black Aberdeen Angus cattle, in addition to the vineyards, of course.

After the Bombal-Bailey marriage in 1994, the estate was restored and enhanced. It has always worked with Andean products like potatoes, remaining active and productive for more than four centuries. Since then, it has been the extraordinary backdrop for the Chateau, stretching from the Uco Valley to the high peaks that divide waters.

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